Chapter 16: The Expanding Universe
Chapter 1
How Science Works
- The Scientific Method
- Evidence
- Measurements
- Units and the Metric System
- Measurement Errors
- Estimation
- Dimensions
- Mass, Length, and Time
- Observations and Uncertainty
- Precision and Significant Figures
- Errors and Statistics
- Scientific Notation
- Ways of Representing Data
- Logic
- Mathematics
- Geometry
- Algebra
- Logarithms
- Testing a Hypothesis
- Case Study of Life on Mars
- Theories
- Systems of Knowledge
- The Culture of Science
- Computer Simulations
- Modern Scientific Research
- The Scope of Astronomy
- Astronomy as a Science
- A Scale Model of Space
- A Scale Model of Time
- Questions
Chapter 2
Early Astronomy
- The Night Sky
- Motions in the Sky
- Navigation
- Constellations and Seasons
- Cause of the Seasons
- The Magnitude System
- Angular Size and Linear Size
- Phases of the Moon
- Eclipses
- Auroras
- Dividing Time
- Solar and Lunar Calendars
- History of Astronomy
- Stonehenge
- Ancient Observatories
- Counting and Measurement
- Astrology
- Greek Astronomy
- Aristotle and Geocentric Cosmology
- Aristarchus and Heliocentric Cosmology
- The Dark Ages
- Arab Astronomy
- Indian Astronomy
- Chinese Astronomy
- Mayan Astronomy
- Questions
Chapter 3
The Copernican Revolution
- Ptolemy and the Geocentric Model
- The Renaissance
- Copernicus and the Heliocentric Model
- Tycho Brahe
- Johannes Kepler
- Elliptical Orbits
- Kepler's Laws
- Galileo Galilei
- The Trial of Galileo
- Isaac Newton
- Newton's Law of Gravity
- The Plurality of Worlds
- The Birth of Modern Science
- Layout of the Solar System
- Scale of the Solar System
- The Idea of Space Exploration
- Orbits
- History of Space Exploration
- Moon Landings
- International Space Station
- Manned versus Robotic Missions
- Commercial Space Flight
- Future of Space Exploration
- Living in Space
- Moon, Mars, and Beyond
- Societies in Space
- Questions
Chapter 4
Matter and Energy in the Universe
- Matter and Energy
- Rutherford and Atomic Structure
- Early Greek Physics
- Dalton and Atoms
- The Periodic Table
- Structure of the Atom
- Energy
- Heat and Temperature
- Potential and Kinetic Energy
- Conservation of Energy
- Velocity of Gas Particles
- States of Matter
- Thermodynamics
- Entropy
- Laws of Thermodynamics
- Heat Transfer
- Thermal Radiation
- Wien's Law
- Radiation from Planets and Stars
- Internal Heat in Planets and Stars
- Periodic Processes
- Random Processes
- Questions
Chapter 5
The Earth-Moon System
- Earth and Moon
- Early Estimates of Earth's Age
- How the Earth Cooled
- Ages Using Radioactivity
- Radioactive Half-Life
- Ages of the Earth and Moon
- Geological Activity
- Internal Structure of the Earth and Moon
- Basic Rock Types
- Layers of the Earth and Moon
- Origin of Water on Earth
- The Evolving Earth
- Plate Tectonics
- Volcanoes
- Geological Processes
- Impact Craters
- The Geological Timescale
- Mass Extinctions
- Evolution and the Cosmic Environment
- Earth's Atmosphere and Oceans
- Weather Circulation
- Environmental Change on Earth
- The Earth-Moon System
- Geological History of the Moon
- Tidal Forces
- Effects of Tidal Forces
- Historical Studies of the Moon
- Lunar Surface
- Ice on the Moon
- Origin of the Moon
- Humans on the Moon
- Questions
Chapter 6
The Terrestrial Planets
- Studying Other Planets
- The Planets
- The Terrestrial Planets
- Mercury
- Mercury's Orbit
- Mercury's Surface
- Venus
- Volcanism on Venus
- Venus and the Greenhouse Effect
- Tectonics on Venus
- Exploring Venus
- Mars in Myth and Legend
- Early Studies of Mars
- Mars Close-Up
- Modern Views of Mars
- Missions to Mars
- Geology of Mars
- Water on Mars
- Polar Caps of Mars
- Climate Change on Mars
- Terraforming Mars
- Life on Mars
- The Moons of Mars
- Martian Meteorites
- Comparative Planetology
- Incidence of Craters
- Counting Craters
- Counting Statistics
- Internal Heat and Geological Activity
- Magnetic Fields of the Terrestrial Planets
- Mountains and Rifts
- Radar Studies of Planetary Surfaces
- Laser Ranging and Altimetry
- Gravity and Atmospheres
- Normal Atmospheric Composition
- The Significance of Oxygen
- Questions
Chapter 7
The Giant Planets and Their Moons
- The Gas Giant Planets
- Atmospheres of the Gas Giant Planets
- Clouds and Weather on Gas Giant Planets
- Internal Structure of the Gas Giant Planets
- Thermal Radiation from Gas Giant Planets
- Life on Gas Giant Planets?
- Why Giant Planets are Giant
- Gas Laws
- Ring Systems of the Giant Planets
- Structure Within Ring Systems
- The Origin of Ring Particles
- The Roche Limit
- Resonance and Harmonics
- Tidal Forces in the Solar System
- Moons of Gas Giant Planets
- Geology of Large Moons
- The Voyager Missions
- Jupiter
- Jupiter's Galilean Moons
- Jupiter's Ganymede
- Jupiter's Europa
- Jupiter's Callisto
- Jupiter's Io
- Volcanoes on Io
- Saturn
- Cassini Mission to Saturn
- Saturn's Titan
- Saturn's Enceladus
- Discovery of Uranus and Neptune
- Uranus
- Uranus' Miranda
- Neptune
- Neptune's Triton
- Pluto
- The Discovery of Pluto
- Pluto as a Dwarf Planet
- Dwarf Planets
- Questions
Chapter 8
Interplanetary Bodies
- Interplanetary Bodies
- Comets
- Early Observations of Comets
- Structure of the Comet Nucleus
- Comet Chemistry
- Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt
- Kuiper Belt
- Comet Orbits
- Life Story of Comets
- The Largest Kuiper Belt Objects
- Meteors and Meteor Showers
- Gravitational Perturbations
- Asteroids
- Surveys for Earth Crossing Asteroids
- Asteroid Shapes
- Composition of Asteroids
- Introduction to Meteorites
- Origin of Meteorites
- Types of Meteorites
- The Tunguska Event
- The Threat from Space
- Probability and Impacts
- Impact on Jupiter
- Interplanetary Opportunity
- Questions
Chapter 9
Planet Formation and Exoplanets
- Formation of the Solar System
- Early History of the Solar System
- Conservation of Angular Momentum
- Angular Momentum in a Collapsing Cloud
- Helmholtz Contraction
- Safronov and Planet Formation
- Collapse of the Solar Nebula
- Why the Solar System Collapsed
- From Planetesimals to Planets
- Accretion and Solar System Bodies
- Differentiation
- Planetary Magnetic Fields
- The Origin of Satellites
- Solar System Debris and Formation
- Gradual Evolution and a Few Catastrophies
- Chaos and Determinism
- Extrasolar Planets
- Discoveries of Exoplanets
- Doppler Detection of Exoplanets
- Transit Detection of Exoplanets
- The Kepler Mission
- Direct Detection of Exoplanets
- Properties of Exoplanets
- Implications of Exoplanet Surveys
- Future Detection of Exoplanets
- Questions
Chapter 10
Detecting Radiation from Space
- Observing the Universe
- Radiation and the Universe
- The Nature of Light
- The Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Properties of Waves
- Waves and Particles
- How Radiation Travels
- Properties of Electromagnetic Radiation
- The Doppler Effect
- Invisible Radiation
- Thermal Spectra
- The Quantum Theory
- The Uncertainty Principle
- Spectral Lines
- Emission Lines and Bands
- Absorption and Emission Spectra
- Kirchoff's Laws
- Astronomical Detection of Radiation
- The Telescope
- Optical Telescopes
- Optical Detectors
- Adaptive Optics
- Image Processing
- Digital Information
- Radio Telescopes
- Telescopes in Space
- Hubble Space Telescope
- Interferometry
- Collecting Area and Resolution
- Frontier Observatories
- Questions
Chapter 11
Our Sun: The Nearest Star
- The Sun
- The Nearest Star
- Properties of the Sun
- Kelvin and the Sun's Age
- The Sun's Composition
- Energy From Atomic Nuclei
- Mass-Energy Conversion
- Examples of Mass-Energy Conversion
- Energy From Nuclear Fission
- Energy From Nuclear Fusion
- Nuclear Reactions in the Sun
- The Sun's Interior
- Energy Flow in the Sun
- Collisions and Opacity
- Solar Neutrinos
- Solar Oscillations
- The Sun's Atmosphere
- Solar Chromosphere and Corona
- Sunspots
- The Solar Cycle
- The Solar Wind
- Effects of the Sun on the Earth
- Cosmic Energy Sources
- Questions
Chapter 12
Properties of Stars
- Stars
- Star Names
- Star Properties
- The Distance to Stars
- Apparent Brightness
- Absolute Brightness
- Measuring Star Distances
- Stellar Parallax
- Spectra of Stars
- Spectral Classification
- Temperature and Spectral Class
- Stellar Composition
- Stellar Motion
- Stellar Luminosity
- The Size of Stars
- Stefan-Boltzmann Law
- Stellar Mass
- Hydrostatic Equilibrium
- Stellar Classification
- The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
- Volume and Brightness Selected Samples
- Stars of Different Sizes
- Understanding the Main Sequence
- Stellar Structure
- Stellar Evolution
- Questions
Chapter 13
Star Birth and Death
- Star Birth and Death
- Understanding Star Birth and Death
- Cosmic Abundance of Elements
- Star Formation
- Molecular Clouds
- Young Stars
- T Tauri Stars
- Mass Limits for Stars
- Brown Dwarfs
- Young Star Clusters
- Cauldron of the Elements
- Main Sequence Stars
- Nuclear Reactions in Main Sequence Stars
- Main Sequence Lifetimes
- Evolved Stars
- Cycles of Star Life and Death
- The Creation of Heavy Elements
- Red Giants
- Horizontal Branch and Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
- Variable Stars
- Magnetic Stars
- Stellar Mass Loss
- White Dwarfs
- Supernovae
- Seeing the Death of a Star
- Supernova 1987A
- Neutron Stars and Pulsars
- Special Theory of Relativity
- General Theory of Relativity
- Black Holes
- Properties of Black Holes
- Questions
Chapter 14
The Milky Way
- The Distribution of Stars in Space
- Stellar Companions
- Binary Star Systems
- Binary and Multiple Stars
- Mass Transfer in Binaries
- Binaries and Stellar Mass
- Nova and Supernova
- Exotic Binary Systems
- Gamma Ray Bursts
- How Multiple Stars Form
- Environments of Stars
- The Interstellar Medium
- Effects of Interstellar Material on Starlight
- Structure of the Interstellar Medium
- Dust Extinction and Reddening
- Groups of Stars
- Open Star Clusters
- Globular Star Clusters
- Distances to Groups of Stars
- Ages of Groups of Stars
- Layout of the Milky Way
- William Herschel
- Isotropy and Anisotropy
- Mapping the Milky Way
- Questions
Chapter 15
- The Milky Way Galaxy
- Mapping the Galaxy Disk
- Spiral Structure in Galaxies
- Mass of the Milky Way
- Dark Matter in the Milky Way
- Galaxy Mass
- The Galactic Center
- Black Hole in the Galactic Center
- Stellar Populations
- Formation of the Milky Way
- Galaxies
- The Shapley-Curtis Debate
- Edwin Hubble
- Distances to Galaxies
- Classifying Galaxies
- Spiral Galaxies
- Elliptical Galaxies
- Lenticular Galaxies
- Dwarf and Irregular Galaxies
- Overview of Galaxy Structures
- The Local Group
- Light Travel Time
- Galaxy Size and Luminosity
- Mass to Light Ratios
- Dark Matter in Galaxies
- Gravity of Many Bodies
- Galaxy Evolution
- Galaxy Interactions
- Galaxy Formation
- Questions
Chapter 17
- Cosmology
- Early Cosmologies
- Relativity and Cosmology
- The Big Bang Model
- The Cosmological Principle
- Universal Expansion
- Cosmic Nucleosynthesis
- Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
- Discovery of the Microwave Background Radiation
- Measuring Space Curvature
- Cosmic Evolution
- Evolution of Structure
- Mean Cosmic Density
- Critical Density
- Dark Matter and Dark Energy
- Age of the Universe
- Precision Cosmology
- The Future of the Contents of the Universe
- Fate of the Universe
- Alternatives to the Big Bang Model
- Space-Time
- Particles and Radiation
- The Very Early Universe
- Mass and Energy in the Early Universe
- Matter and Antimatter
- The Forces of Nature
- Fine-Tuning in Cosmology
- The Anthropic Principle in Cosmology
- String Theory and Cosmology
- The Multiverse
- The Limits of Knowledge
- Questions
Chapter 18
Life On Earth
- Nature of Life
- Chemistry of Life
- Molecules of Life
- The Origin of Life on Earth
- Origin of Complex Molecules
- Miller-Urey Experiment
- Pre-RNA World
- RNA World
- From Molecules to Cells
- Metabolism
- Anaerobes
- Extremophiles
- Thermophiles
- Psychrophiles
- Xerophiles
- Halophiles
- Barophiles
- Acidophiles
- Alkaliphiles
- Radiation Resistant Biology
- Importance of Water for Life
- Hydrothermal Systems
- Silicon Versus Carbon
- DNA and Heredity
- Life as Digital Information
- Synthetic Biology
- Life in a Computer
- Natural Selection
- Tree Of Life
- Evolution and Intelligence
- Culture and Technology
- The Gaia Hypothesis
- Life and the Cosmic Environment
Chapter 19
Life in the Universe
- Life in the Universe
- Astrobiology
- Life Beyond Earth
- Sites for Life
- Complex Molecules in Space
- Life in the Solar System
- Lowell and Canals on Mars
- Implications of Life on Mars
- Extreme Environments in the Solar System
- Rare Earth Hypothesis
- Are We Alone?
- Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs
- The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
- The Drake Equation
- The History of SETI
- Recent SETI Projects
- Recognizing a Message
- The Best Way to Communicate
- The Fermi Question
- The Anthropic Principle
- Where Are They?
The Discovery of Quasars

The universe always has the capability to surprise us. Rarely have astronomers predicted the extraordinary phenomena that they encounter in the universe; more often they have been left to scratch their heads at the puzzles provided by nature. We are reminded that astronomy is primarily an observational field of science, driven by the discovery of new phenomena. The discovery of quasars is one such example.
Throughout the 1950s, radio astronomers used more and more sensitive telescopes to compile lists of radio sources. Many were identified with distant galaxies, and some had no visible optical counterpart. Part of the difficulty stemmed from the inaccurate positions of radio sources, which meant that the origin of the radio waves was not from a well-determined angle on the sky. As a consequence, there were many optical objects contained within the inaccurate radio position, and there was no way to decide which was the right one. Radio astronomers devised clever methods to improve radio positions. One involved the occultation of the Moon. As the Moon passes in front of a radio source, it dims the radio emission, and the well-determined position of the Moon puts a lock on the position of the radio source. By 1960, astronomers had pinpointed the location of several strong radio sources listed in the 3rd Cambridge Catalog (or 3C catalog) by this method.

After the measurement of accurate positions for a number of strong radio sources, the scene shifted to the California Institute of Technology. Astronomers there began to focus their attention on two strong radio sources, 3C 48 and 3C 273, that appeared to coincide on the sky with bluish stars. They were called quasars, a contraction of the phrase "quasi-stellar radio source." At that time, no normal stars had been found to emit radio waves, with the exception of the Sun, whose radio emission is very weak and can be detected only because the Sun is so close. Senior astronomers then took spectra of these apparent stars with the 200-inch telescope at Mount Palomar. To their surprise, the spectra showed broad emission lines that could not be identified with the lines of any known element. Were these lines evidence of a new element? Were the sources a new type of radio star? Astronomers were mystified.

It took a young researcher from Holland to solve the puzzle of quasars. In 1963, Maarten Schmidt noticed that four prominent lines in the spectrum of 3C 273 had the same relative spacing as the well-known series of hydrogen lines. However, the lines were at unusual wavelengths in the spectrum because they were shifted to the red by an unprecedented amount, about 16 percent. If the effect was a Doppler shift, it meant that the object is moving away from us at a speed of 45,000 km/s, or nearly 100 million miles per hour! The same lines in the spectrum of 3C 48 were redshifted even more, showing that the object was traveling away from us at twice the speed of 3C 273. Astronomers were astonished. How could stars be moving away from us at speeds of hundreds of millions of miles per hour?
With further painstaking work, Schmidt and his colleagues showed that 3C 48 and 3C 273 were not truly points of light. Each stellar object was surrounded by a halo of fuzz, or nebulosity. This fuzz was suggestive of a very distant galaxy. According to Hubble's relationship between distance and recession velocity for nearby galaxies, these enigmatic objects must be at distances of thousands of megaparsecs, and their light must have taken billions of years to reach us.

Schmidt showed that quasars are not radio stars but distant outposts of the universe. To appear as bright as they do at distances of billions of light years, quasars must be extraordinarily luminous. If the fuzz represents the light from a distant galaxy, then the bright quasar core must represent an even larger amount of light. What was this new phenomenon at the center of a galaxy that could produce hundreds of times the entire light of a galaxy and emit huge amounts of radio waves? Astronomers had solved one puzzle only to be presented with a deeper mystery.